Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ten things for 2010

OK, I’m not going to call them resolutions! Just 10 things to think about for 2010. Ten things that we can all do – realistically – to make our lives better. We all start out with great intentions in January, but sometimes we make our goals a little too high. So we are going to be realistic here. We are going to make 2010 great by following these simple rules (at least most of the time).

  1. Be realistic. That’s my first promise to myself this year. What’s the saying: “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” And it wasn’t. So whatever bad habits we have, we are going to change them slowly. We can’t fix everything today. Give yourself a break.

  2. Make a plan. Stick to it. And prayer does help.

  3. Get out and move. Exercise is great for everyone and it makes us feel better. And we’ll get healthier along the way. Walk a few extra feet in the parking lot, take the stairs, ride a bike with your child, golf with your son, go swim at the lake this summer. Just move!

  4. Manage your stress. I know, I know. This one is easier said than done. But we should all try. Make a list, think about what’s important, set goals, prioritize. When you can check things off a list, you will feel better. Breathe. Take a yoga class.

  5. Cut out some salt. And some sugar. Take small steps, but know that these two things aren’t all that great for you. And salt raises your blood pressure.

  6. If you haven’t quit smoking, DO IT NOW! It’s time. I know it’s hard, but do it. Now! There are doctors out there who can help.

  7. Get a physical each year. It’s important to know what’s going on with your body. Find a good family doctor and visit him or her. There are so many reasons to take good care of you.

  8. Control your portions. Use a smaller plate and a smaller bowl. I know that sounds simple, but nutrition experts say it really works. Eat your fruits and veggies, nuts, beans, and lean proteins.

  9. Do something for you. Especially you moms out there. You do so much for your families, that you sometimes neglect yourself. Go to a movie with a friend, have a small piece of (dark) chocolate. Get a manicure.

  10. Help others. This one is probably the most important, and will make you feel better than most anything. Whether it’s donating blood, supporting the SPCA, giving canned food to a needy cause or money to United Ministries, you should make a difference. Knowing that you have helped someone who really needs it, that’s making a change!
Happy New Year!

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